Title Insurance Rates – How Much Will It Cost?

The Rate Calculator below is a useful tool for estimating the cost for basic Title Insurance premiums and Endorsements in New York State. The most common endorsements required by most lenders are The Residential Mortgage Endorsement, The Environmental Protection Lien Endorsement and The Waiver of Arbitration Endorsement each of which costs $50.00. In addition to the premium and endorsement costs there will be recording fee expenses which vary with each transaction and there may be additional fees such as searching and tax search expenses in certain counties within “Zone 1”. A representative of SMPR Title will be happy to assist you in preparing an exact quote for your individual transaction. A full range of charges for title services is provided.

Charge Description Amount
40 Year Search/Abstract400.00minimum
Bankruptcy Search40.00per name
Cancellation Charge250.00minimum
Certificate of Good Standing155per entity
Certificate of Occupancy65 – 600
Certified Check Fee50.00per check
Certified Copies50.00per document
Certified Search250.00minimum
City of Albany Water & Sewer Search40.00per parcel
Recording Service Fee25.00
Closing Service Letter25.00
Condemnation Certificate250.00minimum
Continuation Search125.00minimum
County UCC-1 Search55.00per name
Department of State UCC-Search55.00per name
Environmental Chain of Title250.00minimum
Escrow Fee – Tax Escrow50.00
Estate Search250.00minimum
Express Delivery Charge10.00per package
Extra Chain of Title125.00minimum
Foreclosure Research250.00minimum
Franchise Tax Search50.00per corporation
Judgment and Lien Search40.00per parcel
Last Owner Search250.00minimum
Lien Search vs Buyers40.00per name
Litigation Search55.00per name
Mortgage Foreclosure Guaranty500.00plus tax searches
Mortgage/Judgment Payoff Service90 – 250per payoff
Municipal Searches65 – 600per parcel
Patriot Act Searches40.00per name
Preparation of Commitment500.00minimum
Record and Return Service20.00per transaction
Recording Information Continuation25.00per transaction
Rundown of Title50.00per transaction
Settlement Closing Fee750.00minimum
Survey Inspection75.00per parcel
Tax Continuation25.00per parcel
Tax Payment50.00per parcel
Tax Search55.00per tax parcel
Title Continuation200.00
Wire Fee50.00per wire

The above charges and fees are based on our experience with residential and commercial property transactions throughout the State of New York. All charges and fees identified as “minimum” may be increased based on factors – such as the number of names searched, the number of parcels searched, the number of documents examined or photocopied, etc. – which can only be determined after examination of the public records.

We Always Charge The Lowest Premium – Use The Rate Calculator To Get A Quote

Title insurance rates in New York State are set by the New York State Insurance Department. SMPR Title Insurance Agency will always charge the lowest premium prescribed by the title insurance rate manual.